Legal indications
Persons viewing content presented in the web pages of Rüegg Asset Management AG implicitly accept the following conditions:

Information presented in the web pages does neither constitute a request, nor an offer, nor a recommendation to acquire or sell investment funds.

Distribution of the Universal Investment Funds is not authorized or licenced in some countries of the world. The content of the web pages is not intended for persons under a jurisdiction making it illegal to access the web and/or the publication (due to the person’s nationality, residence, or other reasons). Persons to whom these limitations apply are not authorized to access our web-site.

At present the Universal Investment Funds are not registered under the USA securities law of 1933 (Securities Act), nor under the Investment Act of 1940. The Universal Investment Funds can therefore not be offered, sold or delivered within the territory of the USA to investors who are American citizens,  or residents in the USA. Furthermore, the information presented in the web pages about the Universal Investment Funds is not aimed at specific persons, but at interested readers in general.

The Universal Conservative Fund and the Universal Stars Fund are approved for distribution in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Approval for distribution in Germany and Switzerland has been applied for.

The present information has been compiled with utmost care. Rüegg Asset Management nevertheless cannot vouch for, or guarantee, the accuracy, exhaustiveness and actuality of the information presented in the web-pages. The web-pages are subject to changes at any time, and without prior notice. The information contained in the web-pages does not represent a basis for decisions.  In making investment decisions please seek the professional advice of qualified personnel.

Warning of risks
Please bear in mind that the value of an investment can increase, but also decrease. The future performance of an investment cannot be deduced from past stock exchange quotations. Investments are subject to considerable price fluctuations. Total protection of the invested capital cannot be guaranteed. Concerning additional risks please consult the legally relevant sales brochure.

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On no account (negligence included) is Rüegg Asset Management liable for whatever kind of losses or damages (direct, indirect or consequential) that may arise from, or in connection with the use or consultation of their web pages, or pages from third parties linked to them.

The entire content and structure of Rüegg Asset Management’s web-pages is protected by copyright and all rights are reserved. The partial or complete reproduction of the content, its electronic or other dissemination, its modification, the use of it for public or commercial purposes is not permitted without prior written authorisation by Rüegg Asset Management AG.

E-mail-communication with Rüegg Asset Management AG is at present open and non-encrypted. It is therefore not possible to rule out that data sent to and from us, and contacts between our clients and us, can be intercepted by unauthorized third parties. Also, data channels often cross borders, even when sender and recipient are in the same country. Confidentiality of e-mail communication cannot therefore alsways be taken for granted.