We know that the world's resources are limited. Oil and clean air will not be unrestrictedly available. We feel strongly that as investors we should take these facts as much as possible into account in our investment decisions. Obviously our objective is to achieve the best possible returns for our clients. Still, we are convinced that this can also be achieved with smart, environment-friendly investments. It is not possible to ensure that all investments will be ecological, as we cannot foresee and anticipate all developments. We will, however, within reason endeavour to take environmental aspects into consideration in all our investment decisions.

The importance of including environmental aspects is also highlighted in former US Vice President Al Gore's book "The Inconvenient Truth". Scientists quoted in this book show today's CO2 content in our atmosphere to be the highest in the last 600'000 years. The increase of the CO2 level started around 1850 with the industrialisation and the dramatic expansion of the world population. It is our duty and responsibility to pass on to our children and future generations a planet that is fit to live in. Al Gore's book lists required measures to avoid even greater catastrophies than the flooding of New Orleans in 2005. The same scientists, who 30 years ago already correctly predicted global warming, fear and expect the sea level to rise by 3 to 4 meters within the next 40 years if pollution continues at today's level. Effective measures to reduce pollution do exist, such as hybrid cars, better insulation, non-polluting alternative sources of energy, etc. We have a high respect for these ideas; we see them as ways to reduce energy consumption, emissions and at the same time consumer expenses. Finally, they also open up opportunities for investors and corporations.

Useful links: www.climatecrisis.net.

Recommendations: See Al Gore's video "The inconvenient Truth" (named after his book) and/or buy the book as a gift to yourself. Both the book and the video deal with the global warming that is massively influencing our world, but they also add the good news how this development can be stopped.

Knowhow is a raw material for estate administration and asset management. We strive to collect and analyse knowledge, in a process of continuing education. We have learned that we do not know everything, but we do our best to the best of our ability and conscience.

Links to institutions of higher education and universities we recommend and have a good relationship with:

Schulen / Universitäten    
Management Training Institute   >> http://www.kszh.ch/
Zurich University   >> http://www.unizh.ch/
University of St. Gall   >> http://www.unisg.ch/
London Business School   >> http://www.london.edu/